Teamcity icon
Teamcity icon

teamcity icon
  1. #Teamcity icon how to
  2. #Teamcity icon install

Read up on the Web Deployment Handler and fine tune it to your needs.Add a TeamCity build step to your project to run your unit tests before the MsBuild step.Utilize Web.config Transformations so that your web.config file can be automatically changed to environment specific setting at deployment time.Run the project build and you’re done! The web application will be compiled and deployed to your server running IIS.Configure the new build step per the example below:.Under Project Configuration, select Build Parameters option. On your target server, setup an administrator user account for use by TeamCity.

#Teamcity icon install

  • Under Project Configuration, select “Build Steps” option and add a new Build Step (MSBuild runner type). Install the Web Deployment Tool on your TeamCity server and the server you want to deploy your web application to (target server). Das Programm des russisch-tschechischen Herstellers JetBrains dient als Software-Distributionssystem.
  • system.UserName / system.Password = the username and password of the administrator account you setup earlier for the target server.
  • system.MsDeployServiceUrl = the server name or IP address of the target server.
  • Yes, this means you need to configure IIS ahead of time if you are going to use anything other than the “Default Web Site” in IIS. I'll be glad to hear any idea on subject. I've checked also that this situation doesn't depend on TeamCity service hook usage.
  • system.DeployIISAppPath = the IIS website name on the target server which you want to deploy to. TeamCity site requires login in general but status icons don't.
  • = this is the *relative checkout path *of the folder which contains your web application.
  • Change the values highlighted in yellow above to your own values.
  • Add Configuration Parameters and System Properties per the example below.
  • Under Project Configuration, select “Build Parameters” option.
  • On your target server, setup an administrator user account for use by TeamCity.
  • Install the Web Deployment Tool on your TeamCity server and the server you want to deploy your web application to (“target server”).
  • #Teamcity icon how to

    I could go on and on about the advantages of using a CI/build/deploy server for development but here I want to explain how to setup TeamCity to use the new Web Deploy (MS Deploy) tool to deploy ASP.NET Web Application projects to a server running IIS.

    Teamcity icon